Participants are expected to take care of their own accommodation and travel.
Hotel Crown Palais Kitakyushu
3-1 Higashimagarimachi, Yahata-nishi, Kitakyushu
Tel: +81-93-631-1111 Fax: +81-93-631-1148
E-mail: info [at] crownpalais.jp
※The special Workshop rate : 5,000 yen per night per room (single occupancy) plus breakfast.
The reservation must be made by email at "info [at ]crownpalais.jp" or call the hotel directly at +81-93-631-1111.
When booking a room, please mention that you are attending the DEP Workshop 2013 to qualify for the special rate. For any questions about reservations, please contact the Hotel Crown Palais Kitakyushu.
※The Workshop offers shuttle service to/from Hotel Crown Palais Kitakyushu & Workshop venue.
From Kitakyushu Airport
Kitakyushu Airport to Hotel Crown Palais Kitakyushu: 45 minutes by Kitakyushu Airport Bus
- From Fukuoka Airport
Fukuoka Airport to Hakata: 5 minutes by Fukuoka City Subway
Hakata to Kurosaki: 30 minutes via JR express
Kurosaki to Hotel Crown Palais Kitakyushu: 7 minutes by Nishitesu bus No.57 (15 minutes' walk)